NAOqi Python-API


  1. a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system (here NAOqi), application, or other service.

NAOqi is the main python module that runs on the robot and controls it.

ALProxy creates an object - a proxy to a module

proxy: an agent between python and NAOqi (?). An object that will behave as the module it represents.

example: ALProxy("ALDialog"(name of the module), "" (ip of NAO), 9559 (port))

This should be used when we try to write code outside choregraphe.

ALBroker: it is a communication protocol that allows for  finding modules and methods and provides network access. 

it is a class that allows you to write NAOqi modules in python

Remote modules
the modules communicate via internet, they need a broker to speak to other modules. 
Remote modules can communicate with other modules using a proxy.

Broker to Broker  connection is a mutual communication. Modules from both brokers can talk to each others.

Proxy to Broker is a single way communication.


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