

  from naoqi import ALProxy tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "", 9559) tts.SetLanguage(“English”) tts.say("Hello, world!") motion=ALProxy("ALMotion","", 9559) posture=ALProxy("ALRobotPosture","", 9559) posture.goToPosture("Stand",1.0) posture.goToPosture("Crouch",1.0)

Controlling two naos with python

 With python you can control more than one NAO robots, as long as they are all  connected to the same network with the computer that has python SDK's installed. For the installation:  http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/dev/python/index.html then you follow the same steps that you use for programming one NAO robot but be careful to create the  two different objects, one for each robot.

Python makes NAO speaking and walking

  http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/dev/python/making_nao_move.html #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import naoqi from naoqi import ALProxy motion = ALProxy("ALMotion", "", 9559) tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "", 9559) posture=ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", "",9559) posture.goToPosture("Stand", 1.0) posture.goToPosture("Crouch", 1.0) posture.goToPosture("Stand", 1.0) tts.setParameter("speed", 90) tts.setParameter("pitchShift", 1.1 ) tts.say("Hello, how are you?") tts.setLanguage("Greek") tts.say("Καλημέρα, πώς είστε?") motion.setStiffnesses("Body", 1.0) motion.moveInit() id=motion.post.moveTo(0.5, 0, 0) motion.wait(id,0) tts.say("Βλέπετε? Περπατάω!") posture.goToPosture("Stand", 1.0)

ChatGPT guiding for using python in NAO programming

  Creating applications for the NAO humanoid robot using Python involves using the NAOqi framework, which is a software platform developed by SoftBank Robotics specifically for programming NAO robots. Here's a general guide on how to get started: 1. Install Required Software: Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You'll need Python 2.7 as the NAOqi SDK currently supports this version. Choregraphe: Choregraphe is a visual programming software that allows you to create behaviors for NAO robots. It's a good starting point to understand robot programming concepts. 2. Set Up the NAOqi Python SDK: Download the NAOqi Python SDK from the SoftBank Robotics website. This SDK provides the necessary tools and libraries for programming the NAO robot. Follow the installation instructions provided by SoftBank Robotics to install the SDK on your computer. 3. Create a Basic Python Application: Launch Choregraphe and connect to your NAO robot. Create a new behavior an...

Choregraphe and interactive dialog

 In choregraphe take the Set Language box from the speech-->SpeechSettings Create (right click) a dialogue box double click the dialogue box and give it a name On your left hand, under the name of the box find the *.top file and open it

NAOqi Python-API

  API:   a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system (here NAOqi), application, or other service. NAOqi is the main python module that runs on the robot and controls it. ALProxy creates an object - a proxy to a module proxy : an agent between python and NAOqi (?). An object that will behave as the module it represents. example: ALProxy("ALDialog"(name of the module), "" (ip of NAO), 9559 (port)) This should be used when we try to write code outside choregraphe. ALBroker:  it is a communication protocol that allows for  finding modules and methods and provides network access.  ALModule(name)  it is a class that allows you to write NAOqi modules in python Remote modules the modules communicate via internet, they need a broker to speak to other modules.  Remote modules can communicate with other modules using a proxy. Broker to Broker  connection is a mu...

python and sdk's_1

 https://www.aldebaran.com/fr/support/nao-6/downloads-softwares In order to build an interactive dialog between a human and NAO robot a top file shoud be created. The first steps are the following: set the language create a dialog box